Top Gun - Golden Eagle - BFM Competition
Une nouvelle compétition BFM guns only 1v1 en F-15C est organisée par le 104th Phoenix, les 14 et 15 mars prochains.
Sujet officiel pour inscription sur les forums Eagle Dynamics
Screenshot by 104th_FallenTOP GUN
Golden Eagle
BFM 1 vs 1
Guns Only PvP Competition
Sponsored by Wild Weasel Apparel
104th Phoenix in association with Wild Weasel Apparel proudly present our F-15C 1 vs 1 Guns Only PvP event.
Date: 14th and 15th of March
Time: 20:00z
Format: Best of 3
Aircraft: F-15C Eagle
Map: CaucasusWhat is it?
Top Gun - Golden Eagle is a 1 vs 1 Guns only event for the F-15C Eagle featuring prizes supplied Wild Weasel Apparel.
The event will take place over two days with the qualifying rounds on the 14th of March and the finals on the 15th.
- Aircraft air-start clean with 90% internal fuel.
- Starting altitude will be 5000ft at 450kts.
- Aircraft MUST MERGE WINGS LEVEL at the starting altitude
- Separation will be 10nm.
- Fuel Dumping is allowed.
- No firing before the merge.
- Pre merge manoeuvring is allowed.
- Both aircraft must fly towards each other for the merge, no running away pre merge for fuel tactics.
- Both aircraft must stay inside a 15nm ‘bubble’.
- Last aircraft alive wins, there is no landing requirement.
- The first aircraft to RUN OUT of fuel loses! #glidegate
- All participants must be on the 104th Teamspeak Server prior to their match start.
*Disclaimer - Rules are subject to change, players will get a full rules brief before each match.
Wild Weasel Apparel are donating prizes to the top 3 winners!
1st Place :
3 T-shirts2nd Place :
2 T-shirts3rd Place :
1 T-shirt.Sign Up
To register simply post in this thread with your details as follows
Name: 104th_Maverick
Squadron (if any): 104th_Phoenix
Country: ScotlandStream
The event will be streamed live on both days by myself at the link below!
Twitch 104th_Maverick104th_Maverick Twitch
Event Schedule
Saturday 14th March.
19:00 Zulu - Teamspeak rooms open on 104th.
19:45 Zulu - Event briefing starts.
20:00 Zulu - Event Starts.REPEAT ON SUNDAY 15TH
Disclaimer about the Merge protocol
We know this is not going to be popular with everyone, there are some purist out there that believe the fight starts before the merge, and while that is 100% true while flying online in a PvP environment, it is not how they train 1 vs 1 guns only in real life.
We are not simulating a combat situation in this event and as such we want to try and mirror the real world protocol a bit more, however that being said we are not going to introduce a ‘bubble’ around each aircraft that cannot be entered simply because no ones real life is at risk.
So how will the merge work?
Both pilots are able to manoeuvre as much as they want before the merge however you must pass your opponent at 5000ft wings level, the fight starts after the 3/9 line is passed.
A pilot who does not meet the merge criteria will force the round to be restarted.
There is no speed restriction at the merge.Why are you doing this?
- Its more realistic.
- We are going to have real fighter pilots join us for commentary on some of these events and we want to showcase a more realistic fight rather than two bro’s flying towards each other at 15ft off the ground trying to get an angle advantage.
- It stops one pilot having an advantage over the other before the fight even starts.
Je vais rejet un oeil au F-15C
Tu vas être déçu : simple flight model
A voir. Je ne suis pas si regardant que ça
, c’est juste du combat canon et tout le monde joue avec le même avion, alors…
Mes premiers essais sur le F-15C ne sont guère encourageants. Il n’est pas du tout agréable à piloter en dogfight…
Je passe mon tour -
C’est balo que ce soit simplifié et pas agréable… on a vu mieux en simu…
C’est de la simu « light ».
Dans DCS il y a trois niveaux d’accès :- en mode arcade tout est facile (genre Ace Combat)
- en mode normal, les avions SFM (tous ceux de FC3) sont moyennement compliqués (petite simu)
- les « study sims » sont complexes et nécessitent des heures d’entraînement
Certes, mais c’est pas tellement une question de complexité du modèle, c’est une question de rendu, sensation, agréable, pas agréable… tu peux très bien avoir un FM très simplifié mais très agréable à utiliser
Bon là en l’occurrence… pour moi (chacun ses goûts), c’est raté.